*~:My own pretty little world:~*
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yay! u made it
hiya:) welcome to my pretty little website..its my very first one so u damn better like it :) and of course like everyone always does..ive made it outa boredom ...but its gonna be brilliant :D trust me...if naw..i'll buy u all sumthin pretty:).
On this website theres gonna be millions of photos of my mates cos their worth it and i love em to pieces..and ehh other crap that i'll add later :)
Site Updates*~

Im gonna keep a wee list of updates for y'all

7/08/03-ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...added some new stuff to the photos page..does that count?

19/8/03-added hunners of photos to the photos page:Dim so proud

25/01/04-Added some more photies n shit

15/03/04-Ehhhh i added some more pics:)..but im gonna do more work on it i swear!

Katie Jane Garside
Shes brilliant :).

All my bestest mates:)

You's know who u are:)

Intoxicated butterflys*~

Sign my god damn guestbook!!!
or...i'll send my boys round;) lol

Power puff gals*~
The powerpuff girls-cool as
Send an email

Last July I Came Untied,My trousers My bra and My pride..*~